Fibromyalgia is a functional disease, whose aetiology is still unknown, which manifests itself mainly with an augmented diffused sensitivity to pressure, which causes a chronic and generalized pain1,2,3. Along with pain, other symptoms appear: fibromyalgia patients are generally more fatigable than general population, they suffer from poor quality of sleep and muscular rigidity. In other words, they suffer from symptoms that end up limiting their physical activity and social interaction4. This kind of condition characterizes subjects who are usually impaired in functioning, also because of other associated elements such as high stress and preoccupation levels that can generate depressive or anxious states.
Pharmacologic therapy includes the administration of antidepressants or anticonvulsants but these substances mainly act on the quality of sleep and they are effective only on the 30%-50% of the population9,10,11. More generally, these patients tend to use big amounts of medicines4 which, when they constitute the only therapeutical intervention, are substantially ineffective. All these factors lead to a lower quality of life, the enhancement of which must be the fundamental goal in treating such patients.
Despite the fact that fibromyalgia is the main cause of chronic suffering to the skeletal and muscular system13, and despite the promising results of hypnosis in treating pain14,15,16, the exploration of the therapeutic possibilities of this technique to treat this condition has become relevant just in the last 10 years17.
The chronic and incontrollable aspect of this kind of pain makes it the main cause of complaint among fibromyalgia patients4, this is the reason why a team of English researchers decided to verify wether it could be possible to acquire control on it through hypnosis18. Subjects suffering from fibromyalgia, has become able to raise, lower and stabilize pain levels through hypnotic states. These results, as confirmed by previous researches that have found that the effect is greater than the one obtained by physical therapies18,19, are corroborated by the functional magnetic resonance brain analyses, which showed a lower activation of pain neural networks. Furthermore, such effect did not appear in waking subjects who received suggestions that aimed to reduce perceived pain.
In other words, the application of hypnosis enables patients to acquire control on intensity of perceived pain.
Along with pain reduction, hypnosis improves other problematic aspects correlated to fibromyalgia. A research conducted in 200820 demonstrates that the integration of hypnosis sessions in psychotherapeutic regimens, in addition to pain relief, leads to a better improvement of morning fatigue, of general fatigability and of muscular rigidity compared to control groups or to patients in traditional psychotherapies. Results, along with replicating what was already showed in past researches17, are highly stable in time and allow patients to reduce the quantity of medicines that they take18.
In conclusion we can state that hypnosis can bring specific relief to patients who suffer from fibromyalgia. The fact that this technique can alleviate physical (both in terms of pain intensity and quantity of sensitive body parts12) and emotional19 suffering that comes with this condition, has drawn the attention of the group of researchers who has written the German guidelines for the treatment of fibromyalgia and who has decided to include hypnosis among the recommended therapeutic interventions22.
Pharmacologic therapy includes the administration of antidepressants or anticonvulsants but these substances mainly act on the quality of sleep and they are effective only on the 30%-50% of the population9,10,11. More generally, these patients tend to use big amounts of medicines4 which, when they constitute the only therapeutical intervention, are substantially ineffective. All these factors lead to a lower quality of life, the enhancement of which must be the fundamental goal in treating such patients.
Despite the fact that fibromyalgia is the main cause of chronic suffering to the skeletal and muscular system13, and despite the promising results of hypnosis in treating pain14,15,16, the exploration of the therapeutic possibilities of this technique to treat this condition has become relevant just in the last 10 years17.
The chronic and incontrollable aspect of this kind of pain makes it the main cause of complaint among fibromyalgia patients4, this is the reason why a team of English researchers decided to verify wether it could be possible to acquire control on it through hypnosis18. Subjects suffering from fibromyalgia, has become able to raise, lower and stabilize pain levels through hypnotic states. These results, as confirmed by previous researches that have found that the effect is greater than the one obtained by physical therapies18,19, are corroborated by the functional magnetic resonance brain analyses, which showed a lower activation of pain neural networks. Furthermore, such effect did not appear in waking subjects who received suggestions that aimed to reduce perceived pain.
In other words, the application of hypnosis enables patients to acquire control on intensity of perceived pain.
Along with pain reduction, hypnosis improves other problematic aspects correlated to fibromyalgia. A research conducted in 200820 demonstrates that the integration of hypnosis sessions in psychotherapeutic regimens, in addition to pain relief, leads to a better improvement of morning fatigue, of general fatigability and of muscular rigidity compared to control groups or to patients in traditional psychotherapies. Results, along with replicating what was already showed in past researches17, are highly stable in time and allow patients to reduce the quantity of medicines that they take18.
In conclusion we can state that hypnosis can bring specific relief to patients who suffer from fibromyalgia. The fact that this technique can alleviate physical (both in terms of pain intensity and quantity of sensitive body parts12) and emotional19 suffering that comes with this condition, has drawn the attention of the group of researchers who has written the German guidelines for the treatment of fibromyalgia and who has decided to include hypnosis among the recommended therapeutic interventions22.
1. | Barsky A, Borus J. Functional somatic syndromes. Annals of internal medicine. 1999;130:910-21. |
2. | Brown R. Psychological mechanisms of medially unexplained symptoms: an integrative conceptual model. Psychological bulletin. 2004;130:793-812. |
3. | Wessley S, Nimnuan C, Sharpe M. Functional somatic syndromes: one or many? Lancet. 1999;354:936-9. |
4. | Camacho C. Descriptive study of the manifestations of stress in fibromyalgia. Revista colombiana de reumatologìa. 1999;6:20-25. |
5. | Wolfe F, Smythe H, Yunus M. The american college of rheumatology 1990. Criteria for the classification of fibromyalgia. Report of the multicenter criteria commitee. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 1990;33:60-172. |
6. | Bennett R, Jones J, Turk D, et al. An internet survey of 2596 people with fibromyalgia. BMC muscoloskeletal disorders. 2007;8:27. |
7. | Thieme K, Turk D, Flor H. Comorbid depression and anxiety in fibromyalgia syndrome: relationship to somatic and psychosocial variables. Psychosomatic medicine. 2004;66:837-844. |
8. | Gracely R, Geisser M, Giesecke T, et al. Pain catastrophizing and neural responses to pain among persons with fibromyalgia. Brain. 2004;127:835-843. |
9. | Arnold L, Keck PJ, Welge J. Antidepressant treatment of fibromyalgia: a meta-analysis and review. Psychosomatics. 2000;41:104-113. |
10. | Papadopoulos I, Georgiou P, Katsimbri P, Drosos A. Treatment of fibrolmyalgia with tropisetron, a 5HT3 serotonin antagonist: a pilot study. Clinical rheumatology. 2000;19:6-8. |
11. | O'Malley P, Balden E, Tomkins G, et al. Treatment of fibromyalgia with antidepressants: a meta-analysis. Journal of general internal medicine. 2000;15:659-666. |
12. | Alarcòn G, Bradley L. Advances in the treatment of fibromyalgia: current status and future directions. American journal of medical science. 1998;315:397-404. |
13. | Busquets C, Vilaplana J, Arxer A. Dolor musculoesquelético de origen mecanico e inflamatorio. In: Rull M. Dolor musculoesquelético de origen mecanico e inflamatorio. La Coruna 2005. p. 63-103. |
14. | Montgomery G, DuHamel K, Redd W. A meta-analysis of hypnotically induced analgesia: how effective is hypnosis. International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis. 2000;48:138-153. |
15. | Montgomery G, Schnur J. Efficacy and application of clinical hypnosis. Papeles del psicòlogo. 2004;25:3-8. |
16. | Patterson D, Jensen M. Hypnosis and clinical pain. Psychological bulletin. 2003;129:495-521. |
17. | Derbyshire SWG, Whalley MG, Oakley DA. Fibromyalgia pain and its modulation by hypnotic and non-hypnotic suggestion: an fMRI analysis. European journal of pain. 2009;13:542-550. |
18. | Bernardy K, Fuber N, Klose P, Hauser W. Efficacy of hypnosis/guided imagery in fibromyalgia syndrome - a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials. Muscoloskeletal disorders. 2011;12:133. |
19. | Haanen H, Hoenderdos H, van Romunde L, Hop W, Mallee G, Terwiel J, Hekster G. Controlled trial of hypnotherapy in the treatment of refractory fibromyalgia. Journal of Rheumatology. 1991;18(1):72-5. |
20. | Castel A, Perez M, Sala J, Padrol A, Rull M. Effect of hypnotic suggestion on fibromyalgic pain: comparison between hypnosis and relaxation. European journal of pain. 2007;11:463-468. |
21. | Martìnez-Valero C, Castel A, Capafons A, Sala J, Espejo B, Cardena E. Hypnotic treatment synergizes the psychological treatment for fibromyalgia: a pilot study. American journal of clinical hypnosis. 2008 apr;50(4):311-321. |
22. | Alvarez-Nemegyei J, Negreros-Castillo A, Nuño-Gutiérrez B, Alvarez-Berzunza J, Alcocer-Martínez L. Ericksonian hypnosis in women with fibromyalgia syndrome. Revista Medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. 2007 Jul-Aug;45(4):395-401. |
23. | Thieme K, Hauser W, Batra A, Bernardy K, Felde E, Gesmann M, Illhardt A, Settan M, Worz R, Kollner V. Psychotherapy in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Der schmerz. 2008;22:295-302. |