Hypnosis for the treatment of alcohol addiction
With the expression “substance addiction” we refer to a condition characterized by behaviors of substance consumption that cause impairment or that lead to clinically...WHEN ALCOHOL GOES TO OUR HEAD
Eighty-six percent of Italians make use of alcoholic drinks and statistics show that the first glass is drank around the age of 11 or 12.WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO USE THAT ENERGY FOR ?
When an alcoholic quits drinking, his wife no longer has a chance to nag him. Often she feels lost and without purpose in life.K' EXPERIENCE
My experience with hypnosis began after I really reached the bottom. I used to have a distorted vision of alcoholINFORMATIONS
Dr. Nicoletta Gava
+39 320.2350523
Dr. Giancarlo Di Bartolomeo
+39 011.303.50.32
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