When changes are needed, companies are often suggested to re-think the entire structure of the organization, its life, its operational style. This kind of approach frequently produces many resistances and the outcome of this process is a radical change that doesn’t change anything at all.

believes that the only way to create a change that can be coherent with the objectives of the company and stable in time is by applying a SMALL IMPACTS approach. This logic modifies the identity of the organization and the values it expresses without distorting them.

In managing change, identifying existing resources in the organization to use them as a valuable and cost-effective mean to support change is vital.

successfully provided many interventions aimed to manage changes, including cases in which businesses were passed from one generation to the other.

Intergenerational passages or top management changes are among the most delicate and complex modifications that an organization may have to face. Such modifications often involve colliding emotional variables, identity issues, and both cognitive and emotional remodeling.